Member-only story
Shout-Out To Some New Writers
Whose writings I had the privilege to read through this week for the first time
Medium is a mine, full of some amazing writers from various spheres of life, composing some beautiful pieces that manage to hit you directly and those lines keep reverberating in your mind and soul, for, at least a couple of days.
I have had already made a list of some of the most amazing writers, whom I keep following every day, and read through their gorgeous creations, but also, there are newer writers who join the platform, and these below pieces are by some of the writers, whom I had the privilege to read through for the first time during the last couple of weeks and I was quite blown away with the quality. I will surely keep a tap on their future works as well.
For those who, reading my article, until now, I would request you to kindly read the below twenty-one pieces, drop a comment or clap, so that they are encouraged to create more wonderful content.
The list is not in any particular order.
Poetry: My First Limerick by Dr. Preeti Singh
Essay: Bird Spotlight- An Essay by…